I Will Help

Hello,God has given me something in Psalms 12:5, which says,

““Because the poor are plundered(A) and the needy groan,(B)
    I will now arise,(C)” says the Lord.
    “I will protect them(D) from those who malign them.””

Here David said that because the poor were plundered and the needy groaned, then the Lord said that he would arise, and protect them. We are like those people who were in need of help. We were drowning in our sin, but, God helped as He promised He would, and He  sent His son who died and rose again for us. Now, we are saved. He became our atoning sacrifice. But, the unbelievers have not accepted that sacrifice. If you are an unbeliever, then why not come to Jesus? He will help you, and make You His. So, come to Christ, and be saved by His blood.

Christians should praise their maker. We need to “Worship the King all Glorious above”. Let’s give thanks for He has given His son as an atoning sacrifice (1 John 4:10 and 1 John 2:2), to save us from our sin. Let’s praise Jesus, and rejoice in Him, for He has given His own life to save us. Let’s praise Him, and give thanks! Let’s love Him with all of our hearts. Thank You, Jesus!

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for loving me so much. Thank You for giving Your son for me. Thank You for making me Your daughter. Thank You for helping me, and saving me from sin. Please help me to love You more. Please help me to rejoice in You. Please help me to draw close to You. Please help me to grow in You, and more like You. Please help me to walk and talk with You more. Please help me to run to you when I need help. Please help me to have a longing for Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Atoning sacrifice, 1 John 4:10 and 1 John 2:2,

1 John 4:10,

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us(A) and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.(B)”

1 John 2:2,

 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins,(A) and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.(B)”

Beginning verse, Psalms 12:5,

““Because the poor are plundered(A) and the needy groan,(B)
    I will now arise,(C)” says the Lord.
    “I will protect them(D) from those who malign them.””

Peace and love, Joy Cleveland