A new (faithful) priest

Hello, God has given me something in 1 Samuel 2:35 which says, “I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind. I will firmly establish his house, and he will minister before my anointed one always.”

So, what God has given me is, that God is talking (through a man) here, and He is saying (to Eli) that He will raise up a new priest who will obey Him (because Eli’s sons were doing evil). Samuel will be that prophet, and he will anoint Saul as priest , and he (Samuel) will worship the “anointed one”, who is Jesus, and Jesus took our sin, and died on the cross for us, so that we could (and can) live.

Also, God is saying that Eli will no longer be priest because his sons were doing evil, which tells us, (or people who have children) to raise up their children in a Godly way, so that the children will do what Samuel did, worship the Lord, and love Him, and always know that Jesus died on the cross for them, and God will bless them, because they trust in Him, and love Him. It also tells children to obey their parents, as long as it is not sin.

Samuel and Jesus

Hello, God has given me something in 1 Samuel 2:26 which says, “And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the Lord and with men.”

So, what God has given me is, that Samuel is like Jesus, because Samuel grew in stature and in favor with God and men, and Jesus grew in stature and favor with God and men.

 but the thing that Jesus did (one of the things), and Samuel did not, is that Jesus took our sin, and died on the cross in our place, He took our punishment, and gave us His (well, it was His rightfully) blessing.

Even when he was a boy, Samuel grew in stature and in favor with the Lord and men, we seem to see God using kids a lot, and in the Bible it says that God uses the despised things, and the lowly things of the world, to put to shame the “high” things of the world, or in Acts 23:12-22 God used only a kid, to shame the teachers of the law, and very wise men. So God does use children, like Timothy, he might not have been a child, but he was young.

So Jesus died on the cross for our sin.

Jesus died so we can live

Hello, God has given me something in 1 Samuel 2:6 which says, “The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up.”

So what God has given me is, that God put His son (Jesus) to death, so that we could (can) live, and when Jesus was burried He was raised to life again, and the only reason Jesus died on the cross, is to save us from sin, and fulfill prophesy, also why Jesus was raised from the dead. Now we can live in God’s peace and free from our sin. God raised us up out of our sin, and Jesus died in our place.

This child I prayed for

Hello, God has given me something in 1 Samuel 1:27 which says, “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.”

So what God has given me is, that (if it is God’s will) whatever we ask of Him, He will give us, but God only gives us what we need.

In Mathew 7:7 Jesus says that if we ask, we will receive, and if we seek, we will find, and if we knock, the door will be opened to us. So Hannah was asking (praying) for a son, and God gave her one. Like I have said in one of my earlier posts, we (sort of) asked for Jesus, because we are Gods people, and when we were in sin, God saw that as a plead for a saviour, so He sent His one and only son, to take our sin, and die on the cross, just so that we could have a free “ticket” to heaven, and be forgiven of our sin.

Hannah also did what she said she would if she got a son, she gave Him to the Lord. No she didn’t sacrifice him, what would be the point of that? She gave Him to Eli, and he kept  Samuel at the house of the Lord to worship, and be the Lord’s.

The sermon

Hello, the sermon today was in Mathew 14, and it was about, true worship being costly, true worship involves something being crushed, and true worship is cross centered, we can see that true worship is costly because the village woman crushed and then poured the alabaster jar of perfume on Jesus’ head, and on the cross, God sent His one and only son to die for us.

 We can see that true worship involves something being crushed, because the woman crushed the perfume (the bottle of perfume), and on the cross Jesus was crushed for us.

 We can see that true worship is cross centered, because the village woman wasn’t taking any of the money (the alabaster jar of perfume, was a years wages, another reason why it is costly) and was only focusing on Jesus, and on the cross, well, Jesus took our sin, and died, that is cross centered.

The Son

Hello, God has given me something in 1 Samuel 1:20 which says, “So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to the son. She named him Samuel saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”

So what God has given me, is that Samuel was the first son of Hannah, and Jesus was the first-born of Mary. And Samuel brought joy to Hannah, and Jesus brought joy to all of us, because He took our sin, and died on the cross, so that we didn’t (and don’t) have to.

Also, we kind of asked God for Jesus, just like Hannah asked God for Samuel, and when I say that we kind of asked for Jesus, I mean that we were sinful, we are God’s people, and when we were in sin, God saw that, and said (I’m don’t think he said this, I’m just making an example) “My people are in sin, I need to said someone who is perfect (not fully human) to save my people, my son is perfect, I will send Him.” So God sent His son, and now we can be free from our sin, because Jesus took it away.

Now we can be joyful, and free from sin.

Ruth and Boaz get married

Hello, God has given me something in Ruth 4:13 which says, “So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. Then he went to her, and the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.”

So, what God has given me, is that (again) Boaz is a picture of Jesus, and we are a picture of Ruth, because the Bible says that we (the church) are Jesus’ bride, because Jesus died on the cross.

Also, Ruth and Boaz gave birth to a son, who was part of the line of Jesus, because Boaz gave birth to Obed, and eventually the line of fathers goes down to David, and we know David has a son, and it goes down the line of fathers to Jesus, who died on the cross for us, so that we could be cleansed, and holy. And Jesus took our unhollieness, and sin on Himself, and died, so that we didn’t (and don’t) have to.

When Ruth met Boaz, everything changed for her: she had a place to glean, and a kinsman-redeemer, and finally a husband. So when she met up with Boaz the Lord blessed her, and when we met Jesus, the Lord blessed us.

I have also acquired…

Hello, God has given me something in Ruth 4:10 which says, “I have also acquired Ruth the Moabites, Mahlon widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his among his family or the town records. Today you are a witness!”

So what God has given me, is that Boaz wanted Ruth, because he says, “I have also acquired Ruth the Moabites,”, also he says “the Moabites” and at that time, the Moabites were “Dirty dogs” pretty much, and Ruth was a Moabites. We were sinful, and unrighteous, and yet Jesus still died on the cross for us, so that we now can be forgiven of our sin, and now we can be righteous, and Jesus became unrighteous, and took the sin off us, and on Himself.

Now we are holy, righteous, and forgiven on sin, because Jesus died on the cross, so that us wretches could be saved, and not die, and Jesus took our place and died, and was punished for OUR SIN! Isn’t that amazing? That someone who was perfect (Jesus) would die for some people who were unholy, unrighteous, and sinful (us), so that the unholy, unrighteous, and sinful people, could become holy, righteous, and forgiven of sin.


Hello, God has given me something in Ruth 3:16-17 which says, “When Ruth came to her mother-in-law, Naomi asked,”How did it go,my daughter?” Then she told her everything Boaz had done for her and added, “He gave me these six measures of barley, saying “Don’t go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed.”

So, what God has given me is, that we are like Ruth, because Boaz did so much for her, and Jesus did (and is doing) so much for us. Because Jesus took our sin, and died on the cross, so that us wretches didn’t (and don’t) have to.

 And Boaz did so much for Ruth, because, number one, he let her glean in his field, number two, he is willing to redeem her (in verse12-13 of Ruth chapter 3 it says that), number three, he gave her six measures of barley. Jesus did so much for us, because, number one, He died on the cross for us, number two, He redeemed us, number three, He gave us the Bible.

Our testimony should be all about Jesus, because He died on the cross for us to make us holy, how else would we become holy? There is no way we could do it by ourselves, that is why Jesus steped in, and took our sin and our punishment. So now, we can live knowing that (if you’re a Christian) we will go to heaven.